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Lutheran Higher Education at Concordia University:
Belief and Application

Part 1: A Summary of Faith

Concordia University Irvine, 以基督的大使命为指导的综合性路德教会大学, 开发智慧, 可敬的, and cultivated citizens to serve society and the church.– The mission statement of Concordia University.

我们的使命宣言指出,我们是由基督耶稣的大使命指导. 因为大使命(马太福音28:18-20)包括教导基督所吩咐的一切, we understand this to encompass the entire teaching of 圣经. The Bible is the source of our theology. 我们相信路德教的信条是从圣经中提取出来的,并提供了对圣经真理的忠实解释. These sources are the authoritative exposition of our faith. This statement is a brief summary of this biblical faith.

Our Relationship with Other Christians

我们相信,教导,并承认历史,圣经基督教,应用它在一个现代世界. That biblical faith was believed and proclaimed in the early church. It was confessed and articulated by the faithful at the time of the reformation. It remains an ongoing, vital confession today.

We believe that all Christians are part of the one true Church. 即使我们认识到在不同的基督教团体和教派中仍然存在着分歧和分歧的严重性,我们也为将所有信徒团结在上帝话语的真理中的共同教义而感到高兴.


我们相信基督教的中心和最基本的教导是称义的教义. 耶稣基督,神的独生子,道成肉身成为一个真正的人. 以他圣洁的生命起誓, innocent suffering and death and bodily resurrection, He has reconciled the world to God. 我们相信,所有接受他的人,都会得到他通过工作为我们赢得的好处:即罪过的宽恕, 生活, 和救赎. We believe that we are justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone, apart from human works or merit (Ephesians 2:8-10).


我们相信耶稣基督与圣经一起向我们揭示了神的本性. We believe that there is only one God in three coeternal and coequal persons; the Father, 儿子, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).


我们相信圣经是神所默示的,是唯一无误的教义来源, 生活, and practice (2 Timothy 3:15-17). We believe that God’s Word reveals His holy Law not so that we can save ourselves, but so that we see the need for our salvation in Jesus Christ. 我们相信神的话语也显明了他的福音——我们因基督的缘故得赦免的好消息.


We believe that God created humanity, 男性和女性, in His image (Genesis 1:26) and that man and woman are intended for one another. 我们进一步承认,上帝已经将婚姻建立为一个男人和一个女人之间的制度(马可福音10:6-9)。. We also believe that all humans, except for Jesus Christ, have fallen into sin from which they cannot free themselves. All peoples, races, and both sexes are united in these truths. Likewise, we believe that Jesus Christ has come to be the Savior of all. 福音不允许我们区分任何人的价值或重要性. “There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace” (Romans 3:22-24).

We believe that Christians experience overlapping realities in this 生活. As the redeemed children of God, we stand before Him in Christ’s righteousness. We are now holy and righteous people because of Christ. 同时,由于我们自己的行为和本性,我们是罪人,不断地需要神的恩典. In this 生活, we live as saints and sinners each day (Romans 7:14-25).


我们相信神已经应许赐福给我们,当我们在信心和按照他的制度使用恩典的方式. We believe that the Gospel is the power of God to salvation, (罗马书1:17)洗礼使我们得到他的宽恕,并将我们纳入他的家庭(罗马书6:3-8), 并在主的晚餐上,用基督的身体和血喂养我们,使我们得赦免(马太福音26:26-28)。.


我们相信基督徒的生活是信心的生活,是对神感恩的回应. The child of God seeks to grow in faith and in service to others. Yet Christianity is not a matter of behavior but of faith. This faith results in changed behavior but is not defined by this response.


我们相信基督已经委任他的子民使万民作他的门徒. 我们相信所有基督徒都被呼召与他人分享他们的信仰(马太福音28:18-20)。.


We believe that God equips people with talents and abilities. 任何不违背神的话语的职业或兴趣都可以是为神服务的行为. While God calls some into vocations of ministry in the church, 我们相信神也喜悦祂的子民活出其他的职业来荣耀祂(哥林多前书10:31)。.

Part 2: Application of this Biblical Faith

Acceptance of this Faith

This faith is proclaimed and lived at Concordia University. 全职教师们也承认了这一点,并表示同意. 我们的员工和兼职教师承诺,他们的工作将以一种与这种信念一致的方式完成. Staff and students come from a variety of theological traditions. 当我们一起生活和工作的时候,他们可能会分享这份告白,或者继续他们自己的信仰.

Engagement with the Bible

In our interactions with students and colleagues, 我们力求将这种圣经信仰与我们的学术和专业学科一起应用. 以各种方式, our campus community encounters God’s Word (for example, 在教堂, 圣经, personal interactions, and in the ministry of the campus pastor). 我们相信圣灵通过福音的工作来改变所有听到并相信其信息的人的心灵和生活.

Acceptance is not Forced

We believe that the Holy Spirit works faith through the Gospel. We maintain that this response of faith cannot be coerced or legislated. 学生被介绍到这个信仰的内容和应用,并被邀请听到和回应福音, but a faith response is not demanded of students. All are to be treated with respect and dignity.

“Secular” Disciplines

我们认为,在各种学术领域追求知识和理解是一个有效的基督徒的职业. 基督徒学习和教导与圣经没有直接关系的科目是合法的.


We maintain that human knowledge has limits but God’s knowledge is limitless. This may result in challenges and paradoxes in our understanding. Particularly in such times, 基督教亚洲体育博彩平台依靠神的话语来理解他们的学科.

We maintain that it is legitimate to explore and learn about viewpoints, 问题, and expressions that are non-biblical and even antagonistic to biblical faith. Such exploration is necessary if we want to comprehend this world, 拓展我们的知识, and understand our own position. 我们相信基督徒应该了解各种观点的本来面目,而不是歪曲它们. 同时, 我们相信基督徒应该清楚地回应对福音的挑战.


我们相信基督徒要顺服神的话语,也要顺服世俗的权威. 在此基础上, 我们认为,在某些情况下,我们的校园内外关系可能会受到圣经的指导, 在教堂, 学习圣经, 或精神上的忠告),并在其他关系中遵守法律法规(例如, in residence hall rules or policies on alcohol use). As we are a community of human beings, 我们认为,行为规则和规范是和谐有序生活的必要条件. These rules, though necessary, are not to be equated with the Gospel. Compliance with rules is not a sign that an individual is a Christian. Rather, these rules are applications of God’s desire for order in our world.


我们相信神呼召祂蒙救赎的儿女活出爱和服事他人的生命. We maintain that as we use our gifts and abilities in all aspects of our lives, we fulfill His call for us to be the light of the world.
