
咨询中心, 家庭问题 and 情感上的困难

父母 & 家庭



Counseling is a collaborative process that involves the development of a unique, 保密关系. The counselor acts as a facilitator in helping the client to understand more accurately him/herself and the world around him/her.


Students seek counseling for a variety of reasons like low self-confidence; grief and loss; relationship issues; depression; anxiety; self-defeating behaviors (i.e. 饮食失调等.); controlling usage of alcohol and drugs; life purpose and direction; family conflict, and assistance in making better decisions.


的全部服务 咨询中心 are available to all undergraduate students of the University at no cost. 服务 are free, voluntary, and confidential.


Visit or call the center located in the 健康中心 on the 1st floor of the Grimm Student Union building, at (949) 214-3102 during their business hours. If the counselor is not available, please leave a message.

Who will know my student is receiving counseling?

No information can be released without the written consent of the counselee. The atmosphere is one of quality, mutual respect, and caring.

Learn more about the services Counseling and Psychological 服务 offers »


How do I tell my child about a problem at home?

如果出现家庭问题, it can be upsetting to a student if they aren’t told about what is going on at home. Students need to continue feeling that they are still in the family loop, whether their families are nearby or far away. Family problems can cause a student to feel removed and helpless and the student may even magnify the issues. 而, 作为家长, you know your child and how they deal with certain situations, if there are any difficulties at home, ongoing communication between you and your child is very important.


My first-year student seems to be experiencing a great deal of stress. 他们能得到什么帮助啊?

New students confront a variety of issues during the transition from high school to college and, 对于转学生来说, from another college or university to CUI. Some students need extra time to adapt to a new situation. Encourage your student to make an appointment with the 咨询中心. The 咨询中心 offers individual counseling.

我的学生想家了. 我该怎么办??

乡愁, which often occurs early in the school year, 但可以随时出现, is a very powerful emotion that can vary tremendously from one student to the next. If a new student experiences any personal and/or academic disappointments, it may cause him/her to start thinking about home and his/her inability to share in the activities there. 突然之间, the student is hit with the realization that life for the rest of the family is going on as before, 但是没有学生. This can trigger a case of homesickness and the student may announce that he/she wants to spend a lot of weekends at home. 不幸的是, 然而, 这会延长思乡之情, because the student isn't really giving college life a chance.

It takes some students longer than others to overcome homesickness. 在秋季学期, 参加家庭周末, 每年10月举行, 通常有助于解决问题. As students share a portion of their University experience with their families, they often feel better and develop a sense of pride in their new environment. Becoming involved in campus activities is also an excellent antidote for a case of homesickness. As students make friends outside the classroom, the loneliness that may accompany homesickness is often alleviated and students begin feeling that they are really a part of the campus community.

It is important to reassure your child that most students feel homesick at one time or another and that, 随着时间的推移, 这种感觉很可能会过去. 你儿子可能没有意识到, but while other students may not appear to show it outwardly, 他们也有相似的感受.

If the problem persists, you may want to suggest that your student make an appointment at the 咨询中心 和/或与他的广告经理交谈.


压力是每个人生活的一部分. A moderate amount of stress fosters creativity, motivation, and change. Think about it - without stress, life would be dull and unexciting. However, TOO much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental health. 但我们能做些什么呢? 以下是一些有用的提示:

  • 了解你的压力的原因.
  • The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that it exists. Begin examining your life to see what causes you stress.
  • 帮助自己和他人.
  • Talk it over, take it easy, and try to put things in perspective.
  • 知道去哪里寻求帮助.
  • Prompt professional advice keeps minor problems from becoming major troubles.


  • 易怒
  • 健忘
  • 缺乏动力
  • 拖延症
  • 难以醒来
  • 过度哭泣
  • 心跳加速
  • 手心出汗
  • 注意力不集中
  • 紧张的肌肉(e).g. 肩膀)
  • 挥之不去或不明疾病
  • 开得太快
  • 迟到
  • 丢东西
  • 头痛
  • 没有足够的时间.g. 花时间和朋友在一起)


  • 只为你自己做事
  • 记日记
  • 做个按摩
  • 深呼吸
  • 在大自然中散步
  • 听音乐
  • 梦想
  • 每一天都要慢慢来